Wednesday, April 20, 2011

America's "Funniest" Home Videos

A little known fact about that sweet husband of mine is he LOVES watching America's Funniest Home Videos. He introduced the boys to the show a little while ago. They also love watching and laughing hysterically at the misfortune of others. I watch it and see my own kids getting BAD ideas.

Two weeks ago they were watching it while I was a work. That afternoon Lincoln climbed out of his crib. Stephen put him back in and out he came again. (He's the only one that's ever climbed out of the crib.) After a few days of his new found freedom during nap time Stephen came in and said, "You know America's Funniest Home Videos had a clip with a kid climbing out of the crib and now Lincoln won't stay in his crib. I think he learned it from there." I smiled sweetly, or not so sweetly, (while screaming in my head "I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET THEM SEE THAT!") and replied, "Can we ban that show from the house now before we have any broken bones from playing Funniest Videos?" After all, these kids do have half of their coordination, or mainly lack thereof, from me. He agreed that he'll have to be sneakier about watching it.

I was going to just lower the side down so he could climb in and out easier with less neck breaking potential but our crib was on one of the recall lists. They sent us these little things that made it a permanent, up all the time, side. Now I don't know what to do with the kid. I really really really want to delay adding him to the mayhem of Gabriel and Garrett's room for as long as I can. The toddler bed is ready and waiting for him, but I'm a chicken and don't want to move him yet.

This was a really long way of saying that darn show has been banned from the Monkey house.

*6 months ago, today, and on a Wednesday our Lynneah came into the world. I still haven't even written up her story...sigh... First I have to see if this dinosaur computer can even handle pictures. I promise we love you too Lynneah, even if there's no evidence to prove it.


Brianna said...

I think it is very evident that she is loved...A LOT!!! No worries there.

It seems you share your mom's dislike for the show. I hope Stephen can find sneaky times to get his funny fix! I know I have fond memories of watching that show as a family...but it wasn't until we were much older and knew better than to try anything we saw because we could also see how much it hurt! Yikes. The fond memories part is that we spent time laughing together as a family. Maybe they can watch it again in a few years. Good luck until then!

Sharron said...

We used to love it as a family as well, until I realized that it was showing my kids how to do DUMB stuff to show off!

I also got so tired of the groin shots . . I mean, come on now, just how funny is that anyway?

Courtney said...

I don't know what kind of crib you have but they make these things called crib tents that prohibits the kids from climbing out. I looked into it when Ethan started climbing out if his crib before he was even 18 months old but it didn't work with the convertible type of crib.