Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just a Snapshot for me to Remember...

Lincoln has walking issues. He trips, and trips, and trips, and trips some more. He also has a BIG head. Often when he trips his head is so big he can't fight the force pulling it down to the ground and thump it hits. Every time we see him going it's like a slow motion train wreck...try as you might there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Yesterday Stephen was changing the fuel filter on the truck while Lincoln was messing around on the driveway. Next thing I know, Gabriel comes tearing through the house saying, "Dad says come quick!" I was up to my elbows in Lynneah's poopy diaper and couldn't go. I finished as fast as I could and came out to a screeching Lincoln with an ice pack on his forehead. He'd hit the driveway HARD. (have a picture but the computers are still messed up so maybe later) After he'd settled down and we were finished icing it he came back and wanted ice again ie it hurt bad. Poor kid must have had an awful headache and fussed and cried the rest of the day.

Later that night Stephen asked, "Did you get an owie?"

Lincoln responded, "Yeah! I got SUPER bonk!"

A while ago the big boys were really into sharks for a couple of days. We were all loading up in the van while Stephen was talking to Garrett about sharks. Next thing I hear from Stephen is, "Huh, Gabriel, sharks have armpits under their fins." Gabriel looked at him with a glint in his eye and said, "NOOO (with all the 'come on you should know this stuff' he could muster) they have finpits!" Garrett jumped in with a "yeah finpits!" And it was settled Dad was wrong and Gabriel and Garrett were right...

Lynneah is SO hard to get feeding figured out for. Every time I get her up to eating food three times a day she starts puking. So I take her back to plain milk till she stops flinging puke all over my house, then try it again. I can handle poop, pee, spit up, and blood, I even have to pull the teeth, but puke is just something I don't do well with...ever. I'm still pumping for her because it's the one thing that's guaranteed to go down and stay down. I can't even begin to describe how tired of pumping I am. She's 8 months old now, that's a looooong time to have a pump fed baby. I just want to quit some days but then what would I do when she starts puking again. Just a few more months till she's one. That's the deadline for her coming to grips with eating something with a bit of body to it. She's getting cut off on her 1st birthday. Hopefully the GI will have some ideas at her upcoming follow up.

She's an official sitter now, and so much happier being able to play that way. She even plays on her tummy now for more than 2 seconds. I've caught her pushing up or all the way up on her knees trying to figure out how to go forward. She wants to crawl and be mobile something fierce! Rolling, on the other hand, is not something she'll even attempt to do. She prefers laying on the floor crying her eyes out till someone finally gives in and turns her over.

Stubborn that girl is...I'm pretty sure it's from her Daddy. Stubborn is good too because that's what kept her fighting for every breath till we clued in to the fact that something was very wrong. She wants to be held ALL DAY, but NOT cuddle, just be held. We've got our work cut out for us with her. Good thing she's so darn cute.

Something I was never going to do was let myself go. Well lemme tell ya I'm one let go, tired, hag now. Anytime I'm even a little bit dressed up Garrett comes in and says, "Wow! Mommy I love yours beautiful clothes!" It's sweet. 95% of my wardrobe consists of solid, dark colored tops and slacks that go with them for work. B O R I N G ! So if I come out in something that's printed he's even more excited. Someday when I have a closet big enough for a work wardrobe and a "fits my personality" wardrobe he's gonna be one happy boy every time I get ready.

He's in kinder camp this summer. A professor of early literacy is running it. I like her and he likes it a lot. The first session ended today. She sent home a little evaluation thing. Apparently he's got an extensive vocabulary that's being interpreted as "snotty" by the other kids. She mentioned tact is a very difficult thing to teach and learn but critical to social development. Awesome. I've got the beginnings of an intellectual snob. I totally agree that tact is hard to learn and critical, so I'll get more specifics and we'll start working on it. No intellectual snobs allowed. You can be a genius but by dang better not make others feel less because of it. She did say in general he's well liked by the others in class. I asked him if he talks nice to his friends in class. He said, "Yeah, but sometimes I fall in love with Angelina." That boy had the biggest goofy smile on his face ever while he talked about her. He's talking more and more about the stuff they're learning every day. As long as he's kept busy he's happy and well behaved. The second he gets bored is when he comes up with something to keep himself busy with...


Liz said...

You sure do have your hands full. Lincoln sounds like my DJ when he was little. He truly had a large head, and grew up to be a very tall man who finally grew into his big head! I sure wish Lynneah was doing better for you. I worry about her and will keep her in my prayers. It's amazing that you have been able to pump and keep your breast milk, usually you can only pump for so long if the baby isn't nursing. So that is a blessing! It's funny that Lynneah won't roll over but wants to crawl. Miss Ellie rolls everywhere. Its the funniest thing to watch. She rolls down accross the living room, down the hall and straight into my bedroom to visit. She trys to get on her knees abit but doesn't like it. So he gives up and rolls! Hang in there, your a good mom, and your doing an awesome job with your children!

Molly said...

Oh Mariah...reading your stories makes me tired. I have 3 girls, but none of what you have to deal with. We all have our different challenges in life!! I will say though, motherhood is the greatest and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Brianna said...

I have to say, when I'm not at work or at church, I run around the house in pj pants and a grubby t-shirt. After those lovely outfits, the girls like to tell me how nice I look when I actually get dressed up. lol. It's pretty funny!

Let's get you gift cards for your next birthday and help you shop for NON-BORING clothes!!! It could be a girls day out! Arianna, Tati and I can push Lynneah around, and be your cheering team when you want to model clothes for us! :)

Hang in there with all the crazy kid stuff. It is true we are all given a load of different challenges, but we are also told that with the Lord's help, we can make it through. Just know you're doing great! I know from experience how hard it can be to recognize that when everything seems to be falling apart on those super bad days...but really, you are doing great!

We hope to get to see you at least a few more times this let me know when you are free!

Love ya!