Friday, January 2, 2009

Garrett carries on a Christmas Tradition

Ever since Gabriel was born we've been in the Urgent Care every single Christmas or Christmas Eve, except last year. I thought we were going to get lucky again this year....until Garrett woke up Christmas Eve morning with a fever of 102. I thought we could manage it and just tough it through...till he came in screaching that his ear hurt. GRRRR, an ear infection, his FIRST ever, and of course it had to hit on the 24th. We headed into Urgent Care once again this year. I knew he wouldn't travel to Bisbee well if his ear hurt. The Doctor confirmed he had an ear infection. I thought we'd managed to get out of the ear infection fun with Garrett. That's what I get for counting my blessings too soon. :-)

What is it with these kids? Is it too much to ask to develop a fever on the 23rd or 26th when it would only be a $15.00 co-pay, instead of the Urgent Care fee?

We're grateful that it was only an ear infection; during one of our traditional Christmas trips we discovered Gabriel had pneumonia. We're also grateful that he waited to get his first ear infection until his language had developed well enough to tell us that it was his ear that hurt.

I love traditions!


Katrina said...

Gotta love it!! Bailey woke up with the total stomach flu this Christmas!! Poor thing spent most of it in the bathroom. All of our Christmas pictures include her not so happy!! The rest of my kids had stuffy noses and coughs. It's so fun!!

Sheffer's said...

We've been sick here, too. Our usual tradition is that Logan has to go to Urgent Care with Croup before any big holiday or trip, though. We don't get many ear infections around here, thank goodness! I hear you on the nesting thing, too. I'm always a month ahead on that because my babies come early. We're shooting for March 17th or later (that would be 36 weeks for me). Have you figured out where to put boy #3? I haven't! :D

agmon said...

the best thing for ear infection is the non invasvie medical devise eardoc
it is not invasive and it treats the problem fast.

Eldredge Family said...

We spent last Christmas in the ER. Jayden burnt her hand on the stove. I hate ear infections. 2 of my kids have tubes in there ears. That has helped so much for them.