Thursday, March 26, 2009

To mourn with those who mourn

This phrase has taken on a much deeper meaning now that I'm an adult. Growing up in Young Women and Seminary you hear it and learn what it means, but it takes some time getting through life to really begin to understand the deeper meaning of it. My emotions have been very near the surface for many reasons. My third friend in less than a year has faced the horrible tragedy of losing a child, I just had a baby and the hormones are still wacky, and that new baby happens to be a boy. All of the sweet babies lost have been boys. I keep thinking that I'm too young to know people who've had to face this, then I realized I'm older than all of them.

Yesterday I attended the funeral for my friend's 8 month old baby boy. I have so many cherished memories of playing with my friend, Crystal, and all the fun things we did with her family. I share a birthday with her sister, we were both the oldest in our families, and of course, when we were all together Crystal and I would make all the executive decisions about how and what to play. Ahhh, gotta love those oldest children. Both of our families have moved away to other towns, but we've kept in touch. It's been fun over the last few years as our families have grown, we both make lots of boys.

Last week I received the heart wrenching news that Crystal lost her sweet baby boy. It felt like the floor dropped out from under me. I just couldn't believe it. I've never lost a child; my heart ached for Crystal and Spencer. It's a weird thing to actually feel the ache for another person that is facing such a trial. I love being around their family. She and her husband are such fantastic parents; they are fiercely devoted to their kids and would go to any length to do what's best for them. I had the same deep sadness set in that I had when I heard the sad news from my other friends. Sleeping at night has now taken on a new dimension. I find myself laying there half awake making sure I can hear Lincoln. He's got awful allergies already and is all stuffed up, I shoot out of bed when I hear him struggling to breathe through his congestion.

The funeral was a beautiful tribute to a perfect little spirit. The displays in memory of little Sage were amazing, and captured all the joy this little baby brought to the world. My soul was touched by the wonderful life sketch that Liz offered. I'm tearing up now just thinking about it. (I hope Stephen doesn't walk in, he'll think I'm crazy.) So many times in my own life I've been able to look back and see the Lord's hand in my life. While listening to Liz I had it seared in my heart that the Lord's hand is always there. We rarely see it at the time, and that is why hindsight is such a blessing. The Lord knows what will happen, and that's why we are blessed with His tender mercies, so we have something to lean on while we face our darkest hours. Liz wonderfully illustrated all the many ways the Lord had blessed my friend and her family in the time leading up to this heart breaking event. My testimony was strengthened; I know that the Lord does this for all his children. I can't even imagine all that Crystal and Spencer are going through right now, but I'm glad that the Lord will be there to carry them while their hearts heal. After Liz, Teele shared the most tender testimony. Teele is a rough, tough cowboy. He gave me a birthday spankin' that hurt so bad I'll never forget it, he's so strong! ;-) He also told me the funniest joke, that has since become one of Stephen's favorite jokes. As I watched this big, rough and tumble man stand, I lost it. He opened his heart and shared truth...pure, clear, and powerful. The mountain of faith this man has is amazing. I was deeply touched and will forever cherish the sweet wisdom I learned from Liz and Teele. All the Priesthood holders sang The Army of Helaman (I don't think that's the title, but you know which one I'm talking about) as I was struggling to keep Lincoln quiet; I realized these spirits coming to the earth now are our stripling warriors. They are pure, and strong. The strength of the men's voices coming out over the audience was wonderful. I'm greatful for being there to hear that song, the Priesthood is such a blessed power. We've been struggling with some behaviors out of Gabriel that are not ok. While I sat there listening to that song I was struck with how important it is to keep up my fight so that all these boys can accomplish their missions here on earth. I have my own little stripling warriors ( warriors can take on so many different meaning while raising kids) that I'm responsible for teaching, preparing, and molding into the young men that the Lord sees and knows.

It was an emotionally exhausting day. I love the Reidhead family and all that they have done for me and my family over the years. I felt so helpless, had nothing to offer but to let them know I love them, my heart is breaking for them, I'm praying that they will feel the sweet comforting arms of our Savior around them, and always know that I will cherish the spirit I felt while saying goodbye to Sage. Thank you.


Brianna said...

Knowing how close you and your mother were to this family has somehow made it seem as though I have known them and this experience has brought a lot to my mind as well. I have cried for them, prayed for them, and found myself thinking how precious every moment of every days truly is. I also have felt blessed to be able to read the testimonies of those whose lives this experience has touched. I am so grateful to have the church in my life and to know the Lord is always there when we need him most.

Unknown said...

That was so sweet and heartfelt Mariah. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I know how you feel! Love you and LOVED seeing you and your darling family this evening.

Ashley said...

Thank you for your writing, Mariah, makes me really miss talking to you more often! You have such a good way of putting things. I loved what you said about these stripling warriors and not giving up the fight to raise them right. You know, maybe a lot of little boys are needed on the other side right now, do you think? I know they have missionary work to do and who better to do it? I can tell you that you are a wonderful friend and that Sage's sweet family feels and is strengthened by your prayers. That alone is a wonderful gift that is hard to understand the great reaches of. wow, we miss you guys. Tell your boys hi for us.

Linda said...

Life can be so tough at times, but all we are asked to endure spiritually prepares for the next step whether it be one of joy or sorrow. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I don't think the term "stripling warriors" is meant just for the young men, but valiant women like you as well.

Laura Marchant said...

"It's a weird thing to actually feel the ache for another person that is facing such a trial" I have been feeling this ache all day for them. I will forever remember their story and sweet Sage. I cannot imagine the pain they are experiencing. My heart is hurting for a family that I don't know. Sending prayers.

The Old Lady said...

Though I don't personally know you or this family, I heard their story through Kelly's Korner. I to have watched as dear friends released their 2 year old to the care of our heavenly Father. That type of pain leaves a permanent mark. All who have been touched by this tragedy will remain in my family's prayers.