This is her new sleep apnea monitor.
I was in to the Pulmonologist earlier this week and mentioned that I've found her not breathing several times in the middle of the night. There have been a couple times I found it before I went to bed during my last minute check on the kids rounds. Other times I've shot awake from a sound sleep and found her. At one point I had to rouse her three times before she was in a light enough sleep to maintain consistent breathing. I've been semi-dismissed by some people that I told. I could tell they thought I was just being over reactive. I'm beyond paranoid and obviously not sleeping. The Pulmonologist said that's not a lung issue but a brain issue. One more problem to add to her list.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit I've wondered if the lack of oxygen for that two weeks followed by a continued lack of weight gain would be enough to hurt her little brain. I don't think apnea is from depleted oxygen or being skinny, but the thought has crossed my mind.
Last night was her first night using it; it went off F O U R times. The alarm is so loud it scared the the tar out of me...and her. Loud enough that it causes her to gasp and start breathing again.
All I have to say is...
Crazy ? I don't think so, but give it a couple months and you just might be a little nuts!
I am sad that she might have another problem but so happy for you that you may be finding answers. One day it will all get squared away and then you may be able to rest a little easier.
No, you are not nuts...I'd be the same way. Or maybe even worse.
I am grateful that in this modern day we have these great devises that can help us treat and begin to address these problems. It is truly a miracle!
She continues to be in our prayers. We love you all and look forward to the chance to see you on Feb. 6th!
You are not crazy. You are a mom. A wonderful, exhausted mom. :)You are all in my prayers.
Mariah, you are such an incredible mom. One thing that I have learned with my kids is that those little "mother promptings" that we get about our children are seldom ever wrong. It's insanity and maddening at times the things that we do for our children... however it is the pure and constant love of our Heavenly Father for us as mothers ... those promptings or feelings he gives us... that little break and peek beyond the veil that we witness as mothers on a constant basis that keep us together. You are such a wonderful mommy. Insanity and sleep deprivation and forgetfulness.. all part of it. However I am so grateful for my children. Little Lynneah is beautiful I am so excited for you guys. Thanks for always keeping us posted!! Good for you for listening to those feelings!!
I understand how scary it is when that alarm bell goes off! I think I mentioned this to your mom but talking to several SIDS moms they all got monitors for their subsequent babies like yours. Those alarms go off ALL the time. But you rest easier knowing they have it. Most of them eventually toss them and move on to the new "Angel Care" monitor sold at Target and other baby places. It is not strapped to the baby but instead has a mat that is the size of the crib mattress and goes under the crib. It detects the slightest movement. An alarm will sound if baby has been 10 seconds without breathing and then as that time increases so does the loudness/intesity of the alarm. It's something to think about. I think Crystal's cost her 180-200 dollars. BUT if her DR. says this is the ONE she needs then by all means continue to use it.
I'm so sorry you are going through this it's just so scary. Crystal found Sage three times before he died not breathing. She thought it was her imagination or that maybe she was over reacting and like you others thought she was just nuts. We can't help but wonder if he would still be here had we gotten a monitor.
So you are being a good mom don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hang in there and know that I send prayers your way. Love ya...
PS... let me clarify. The mat goes under the crib mattress not under the crib...
Ask the DR's about high calorie feedings. Koa has been on high calorie feedings since he was born. I pumped for the first year and added extra powdered formula to increase the calorie count. There is a special formula to do this the dr's know. It will help with gaining weight without out stressing out her body.
Hope they are able to find out what is going on soon. I know just how stressful and exhausting it is. I'll be thinking and praying for all of you.
Always ask questions!!! As a health care provider I would much rather have a concerned parent with a ton of questions than a parent that does not care. It helps us to think out of the box and not just thinking of the standard issues with kids. If you are concerened about something that seems wrong tell someone we all know when something is not normal, you don't have to be a doctor to know that. You can do this be vigilant.
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