Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's Definitely From Stephen's Side...

Yesterday was busy...all day long. We had kids and grown-ups going in all different directions.

Around 2:30ish we were all home again. Stephen came out and said Garrett had been put to bed in our room (fell asleep in less than 5 minutes), Gabriel was going to draw Angry Birds (his new passion) in his room, Lynneah was asleep, and Lincoln was going to the store with him. Sounded like a good plan to me.

A little while later I got a text telling me Lincoln was playing mosquito and trying to drink Stephen's blood from a scratch on his hand.

That is just disgusting!!

A while after that I got a picture of a squished mosquito.

Apparently this is what a mosquito’s face looks like after you squish it.

Like I said definitely from Stephen’s side!


Sharron said...

And I wonder why I never get bored . . . NOT!

Anonymous said...

Well, I can sympathize with Lincoln. I suck my own blood if I get cut, so I don't think it's that big of a step further to suck a family member's long as its the same blood type. ; )