Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Better Spellcheck That...

The English language and Gabriel aren't friends. Well, written English and Gabriel aren't friends.

We've worked hard, cried a lot, gotten tons of grey hair and wrinkles, but it's working. He's currently hanging on at grade long as we don't let up for even a second. It's exhausting.

Frequently we put pretty extensive work into correcting his spelling.

The other night he brought his homework in to get checked. They're required to read for 20 minutes and write down the title of the book. This is was the title he wrote down...


I cracked up *and* asked what the actual title was. 
He said, "Ants".

I sent him back to check on that title because the word he wrote down was definitely not Ants.

After he fixed it he asked what the word meant that he'd written down. I told him that was the science word for where your poop comes out. He looked slightly horrified, then laughed and said, "That was a close one."


Alison said...

Thanks for sharing that little story. I was dying laughing and I needed a laugh.

Sharron said...

Mean Mommie, not sharing that little giggle with the teacher.