Sunday, July 7, 2013

And then there were girls...

Last year we were hot upstairs and just sucked it up. The boys got fans for Christmas and it's helped a ton in their rooms. This year it's been REALLY hot upstairs, illustrated by the sweaty headed little girl that emerges from nap/quiet time everyday.

She's DEFINITELY settled on pink as a favorite color. She still can't remember it's called pink, and can't recall the word pink if you ask what color she wants, but if you dare give her a bowl, spoon, cup, bib, etc that ISN'T pink she completely melts down. On days I'm up for the challenge I give her purple and we work through it in the pursuit of flexibility in life...the tired days she gets just gets pink.

While looking for a fan for "Aunt Sassy's Room" she spotted this little beauty displayed overhead. She was in an excited tizzy. She was going wild about something, but we couldn't figure out what. We finally let her out of the stroller and she ran to this fan at mach speed and stood there "talking" 100 miles an hour. She was super excited and 98% of what she was saying wasn't understandable. She was in love...
In addition to Aunt Sassy getting a did Lynneah.

 Cuddling it...

 Helping dad install it...

 Cheering dad on as it comes together...

 Almost done...

 "Look! It a vvvvvv fffffan!!"
"I like the 'fi-Yers' (flowers)!!"
"I see a bu-fwy!!"
Thanks dad!

And all is well in the world of Lynneah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would totally love a fan like that!