I'm to the point that I get to have those "fun" check ups at the doctor. I'm happy that progress is at least happening; 60% effaced and dilated to a 2. The doctor said I might go for 2 more weeks, but doesn't think I'll make it the full 3 to my official due date.
So, of course I came home gave him a little pat and let him know that the time has come for him to GET OUT.
Gabriel has been hugging and kissing my tummy more than me lately. A couple days ago he looked at me and said, "I can't wait to see baby Atticus and give him kisses." I have been trying to get a son named Atticus since Gabriel...obviously I haven't gotten my way, and don't think I'll get it ever. It's funny watching Stephen flinch when the boys refer to "Baby Atticus".
Gabriel wants to play with him, and talk with him, and I have a feeling be a ton of "help". I tried to explain that he will sleep, eat, and poop when he's born, but won't be able to talk or play for a long time. It will be fun to see the difference in Gabriel's reaction to #3 compared to Garrett. Poor little guy had no language and we hadn't been able to figure out what was going on with him when Garrett was born, so he had no idea what the heck was going on. He didn't even have a concept of baby. I guess it was sort of a blessing in disguise, he was so overwhelmed by it all that his reaction was better than I had expected. He knows what's coming now and is excited about that baby "crawling out of my mouth to get born". Once he discovered no door on my belly for the baby to come out he concluded that he must have to crawl out my mouth. We'll correct him in a few years.
Growing up watching all the animals give birth sure made some concepts more clear for me than for my little city slicker.
We're now at 38 weeks and there was
NO CHANGE....I really really want him to come soon. He seems to be in no hurry to come meet us. My doctor asked how everything was, and I said we're just waiting. He asked about any pain. Oh, yeah I hurt like crazy, everything hurts. I'm keeping the tylenol company in business. He looked over and said, "oh just suffering in silence?" Ha ha ha funny man, no Stephen knows exactly what is hurting and how much. I don't want him to feel left out after all. I know husbands love to hear about all our aches and pains.
***The picture in the blue shirt is at about 31 or 32 weeks. There was a baby shower that night (for someone having a girl :) what would that be like?) I guess the shirt made me look really pregnant because Stephen said, "Whoa, where's the camera we're taking a belly picture." The second was at 36 weeks, I'd hoped it would be my last week pregnant...humphf. My mom has the most recent HUGE BELLY picture on her blog. Last weekend a kid from down the street brought something back to us and later told me that he saw my belly and thought, "Dang, Sister Maskey is huge she's gonna explode." He is a pretty insightful kid, because I'm pretty sure that I will explode soon.***