I came in to tuck Gabriel in one night, on my way to bed, and noticed his arm was at kind of a weird angle. I thought he'd managed to break it or something. Then I noticed that he was a much bigger kid than the gangly, skinny one I'd put in bed.
Further investigation revealed he'd stuffed every animal in his pajamas that he could and zipped them back up. His little head was all sweaty, he was so hot with all the extra padding. Our heater is broken so we only keep bedrooms at 70 with little space heaters. To actually have a sweaty kid says a lot. We're never sure what he'll do to keep himself entertained till he's tired enough to fall asleep. I was able to get all the toys out without him noticing or waking up, especially surprising since Stephen and I were laughing, and the camera flash was going off. We've been very blessed that once he manages to go to sleep, he sleeps hard.
It looks to me like he was trying to imitate you as a pregnant lady!
That is the funniest thing ever! I think I would have wet my pants laughing. Priceless!
That is so hilarious! He is such a funny kid.
This is seriously the funniest thing ever! You totally should find a magazine to submit this story too!
I took me a second to figure out what he sleeping with...until I saw the 1 piece jammies then I about died laughing!
hilarious! 70 is cold? we are cheapskates and keep the house at 62 at night. that's why the kids have sleepers and blankets right?
btw, i am coming to tucson this weekend until friday. let's get together.
This from the little boy that is always nagging me about my pillow"!
It's been awhile since I've been to your blog and I died laughing and had to show Ben this cute picture. What a funny and clever kid.
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