Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Enforcer

Garrett is in a "stage" right now. I sent him to timeout during breakfast...yeah early start.

The rule is still quietly on the rug, that he's not even close to sitting on, behind him. I won't start the timer till they are sitting there and NOT making any noise. Garrett was rolling and squirming all over the floor and not even close to quiet. He kept whining that I hadn't started his timer yet. Next thing I see is Lincoln sitting on top of least was being still...finally. Lincoln is the "husky" version of our kids and might out grow both of those big boys. I'll teach him young to be my Enforcer and then I can say, "Don't make me send Lincoln in..."

His 4 minute timeout took almost 45 minutes to get finished.

After timeout we require them to say, "I'm sorry for _______." If they don't remember why they were sitting there we remind them and send them back for another 2 minutes. Sometimes just getting them to remember takes forever.

In an effort to avoid an additional 2 minutes Garrett now has a list he apologizes for a loooong list of things every time he gets out. Today it went something like this, "I'm sorry for being mean aaannnddd being rough with Lynneah aaannnddd talking rude aaannnddd not sitting to eat aaannnddd saying bad words aaannnddd not sitting in timeout right?" Each time he'd say something his tone would go up a little like he was checking to see if he was at least on the right track of remembering why he'd been sent to the rug.

Thanks for the help Linkers.


Brianna said...

I love that you have a picture of Lincoln helping! That will be a great memory for those guys some day! :)

Sharron said...

I'll tell ya, that sippy cup or is it a bottle is the real touch for making someone look intimidating!

Molly said...

hahaha - that one is hilarious!!! I had to call Shawn in to read him this post, I loved it. Good idea on the time out rules. I'm going to have to use those!!

Taryn said...

Haha how funny. I think I may take your time out advice and use it. I am trying to make time out work for Bentley but so far I havent had much luck!