Or maybe 2...
I have long held that women are entitled to a daily shower. I know, I know just get up and take one before they're up...except I have a couple non-sleepers that are regularly up before 5. I don't want to be showering at 3 am so I can beat them.
I had Lynneah strapped in the swing with a bottle, Lincoln was settled with his blanket, sippy cup and Mickey Mouse, and thought I'll just jump in real quick. I left the bathroom door open so I could see what was going on through the clear shower curtain. I'm a genius and didn't take into account that water spots on a clear curtain make it so you can't see through it.
I got out to Lincoln's nearly silent handy work. He dumped Stephen's entire box out so he could fill his film canister with screws. That's some scary choking hazards all over the floor. He kept saying something about helping Daddy. Stephen had just rebuilt the 30 year old cabinet that exploded off the wall in the kitchen. Lincoln and Lynneah were both SUPER helpful while Stephen was putting it back together. Wish I had a video of it...
Moral of the Story?
Just go to work stinky because apparently women are NOT entitled to a disaster free daily shower.
Hmmm. Maybe keep some wet wipes in the car and use those to "bathe" while you drive to work... ; )
I suppose in your case, your best bet may be to shower before bed. I know I don't do well that way...I just can't sleep with wet hair. But your's dries a lot faster than mine, so it might work for you!
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