We had planned on getting up to see the lights before Christmas, but you know how plans go.

Lincoln wanted to see the "fireworks" lights first. It was really crowded around the Nativity scene so it was just a quick look for him. I did think it was great that he was so drawn to the light illuminating the reason we celebrate Christmas.

First order of business: Token Family Picture.
After managing to get this picture with the timer due to breaks in the crowds we decided going after Christmas is how we're going to do it every year. There were people, but it wasn't insane. It made for a much more enjoyable visit.

Lincoln wanted to see the "fireworks" lights first. It was really crowded around the Nativity scene so it was just a quick look for him. I did think it was great that he was so drawn to the light illuminating the reason we celebrate Christmas.

First order of business: Token Family Picture.
After managing to get this picture with the timer due to breaks in the crowds we decided going after Christmas is how we're going to do it every year. There were people, but it wasn't insane. It made for a much more enjoyable visit.
This little girl was having NOTHING to do with the stroller and was SO SO SO happy walking around.
Garrett All Night: "Mom take a picture of us here."

Proof I was there. Garrett also requested taking a picture here. Stephen had been the one in the picture, but Lincoln wouldn't let go of my hand to go stand in with everyone else.

Proof I was there. Garrett also requested taking a picture here. Stephen had been the one in the picture, but Lincoln wouldn't let go of my hand to go stand in with everyone else.

We also saw the Zoo Lights here in town this year. When the boys went through the lit archway there I told them to be careful in the "lighted tunnel of death". My nieces thought I'd lost my mind and corrected me saying, "No, it's the tunnel of light."
While we were walking around the Temple Garrett noticed this archway and yelled,
"Hey it's the Tunnel of Death!"
That boy remembers way too much. They enjoyed going through this tunnel also.

In the end we had a "Silent Night" after Lincoln was kind enough to fall sound asleep for us. Garrett wanted one last picture by the Nativity before we left. Here it is in all it's glory.
In addition to the crowds being much lighter after Christmas it gave us an opportunity, after all the presents are opened, to reemphasize Christ's birth is the reason we are celebrating the season.
An added perk was they all fell asleep on the way home. Stephen and I were able to just talk and enjoy each other's company...almost like a hot date. :-)
We are definitely going next year! Maybe we could Caravan up there together!
We really enjoyed seeing the lights at the Mesa Temple. Although we went during the day, so it just didn't have the same effect...
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