Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Due Date

This little bundle of cuteness was due to arrive today. I still maintain it would have been the best birthday ever! That being said, my body is very happy it didn't have to go till today to have her.

I love how she'll snuggle into my shoulder and sleep for a while.She continues to be a pretty mellow cuddly little arm full...maybe a little too mellow.
She left the hospital weighing 7 lbs 12 oz right where she continues to stay. The Pediatrician said to make sure she was getting a minimum of 14 oz a day. Soooo, I've been pumping...again. I loath pumping but it's good for the little critters so dang it I'm doing it again. The problem is she can't seem to get anything down via either mode. What she does manage to draw out just dribbles down her face and all over her clothes. I can't get even remotely close to getting the 14 minimum oz down her. We're on our way back to the Dr tomorrow. I'd been hoping for a good eater...
I cried on the way home after being told I needed to start pumping. Stephen seems to genuinely feel bad that we might have to go down that road again. He said, "Isn't sucking and eating supposed to be the only things a baby's born knowing how to do?" Um, yeah that is supposed to be innate...

Other random quotes from the yahoos:

Lincoln at someone else's house: "Can I have a banana?"
Me: "No, you already had one at our house today."
Lincoln: "I not talking to you Mommy. Can I have a banana?"

Lincoln anytime he feels it's appropriate: "I just a little kid!"

Lincoln after pooping in the potty (ongoing saga I'll spare you the details): "My bottom is SO exciting!"
Me: "This is super exciting!!"
Lincoln: "I can keep my blanket? AND get a sucker? And everyone is so exciting?"
Me: "Oh yes, for sure buddy!"  

Garrett: "When you're done milking Kenzie, can I hold her?"
Me: "Nursing, It's called nursing Kenzie."
Garrett: "Oh, can I hold her?"

For boy's Show and Tell Garrett took pictures of Kenzie. He's one proud big brother!

Lynneah: Well she doesn't talk yet. However, today we caught her kneeling on top of Kenzie in the swing so she could reach all the music and mobile switches at the top of the swing. Scary and dangerous!

Gabriel in the most parent like voice he can muster: "Really?!?" 
I'm pretty sure he learned the intonation from his parents saying the exact same thing.


Sharron said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA . . . I get to send them home . . . love Mom

Brianna said...

Those are some pretty funny comments! Thanks for sharing. :) I heard Kenzie is eating better glad to hear that and I hope she can keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Wow! An exciting bottom and milking a baby. You know, there is actually a lot of truth to those perspectives!