We've started taking the kidlets for a walk every Sunday.
They LOVE it. We love that they love it...someday maybe it'll be leisurely.
We look really cool with a double stroller, THREE dogs leashed to the front of it, Dad steering it, and the three boys...well...being boys.
They're usually in jammies. I have enough laundry so they come home from church and change straight into jammies, reducing the number of outfits I'll have to wash from that day. I'm willing to bet the cranky neighborhood we live in is aghast, but I don't care one snit.
Even superheros need exercise!
Lincoln lived in these superman jammies this winter and I thought it was SO adorable watching him walk down the street in his little cape.
Thanks for your beyond nice comment. I kept telling myself it could take a year to get used to this move, but I didn't listen to myself. Sometimes we have moved and settled in immediately, other times it has taken fooorrreeever! That is the worst. But you will get there eventually. I don't know a single person who doesn't love you, what are you talking about! I am not being sarcastic. But I can see having a hard time leaving your old place, even though your new one does look so nice. I want to visit. Also, i will be sure to bring our old double glider Graco. That is the point of this comment: I am glad I'm not the only one still pushing my old thing! I keep telling Tim I want a new one but it just keeps trucking along and there are other expenses that come first, like our rusted out dishwasher. Anyway, love you guys!!
So funny you mention your double glider. That's the exact same double we had when you were here too! I just cracked the plastic on one of the sun shades so I make sure to keep a sun hat in the stroller for the front sitter. :)
Yes, come visit!! Tucson misses you guys!
Of course he's adorable, he's a Linc-ers!
Hey! My kids stay in their jammies all day on Sunday too!! For the exact same reason! Less clothes to wash. :)
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