Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Gabriel was assigned to give the scripture and closing prayer in primary a couple weeks ago. I'm a slacker mom and didn't do anything about it till Sunday morning during breakfast. He could've easily memorized it....if I'd started working with him sooner.

Anyway, while we were eating I told him that he had the scripture at the end of primary and Dad would help him find a good one after breakfast. Yeah, I volunteered Stephen to do the work. :D Gabriel looked at me with pure excitement on his face and said, "Oh, I want to do a camping scripture!" Funny thing is we could've used something like he dwelt in a tent, but the theme was how prayer blesses our families. He was a little disappointed but took it well. Then I asked if he wanted Mom or Dad to help him say it. His immediate response, "Dad because I like him better." Such a sweeheart....I'll be back in his good graces as soon as he gets in trouble with dad.

Stephen found 3 Nephi 18:21 "Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name, that your wives and your children may be blessed." Gabriel immediately requested his own scriptures to read it out of. We pulled out one of our little Book of Mormons and let him put it in his spiderman bag he was given after the last primary program. He was SOOO excited, he carried it all over the house, slept with it at quiet time, tried to take a bath with it, and was very proud to pull it out at the end of primary and "read" his scripture with the help of Dad. You know that Dad he likes better. ;p

The picture is when he ran into our bedroom and put his little Book of Mormon (the blue thing by Lincoln's head) in Lincoln's cradle to share with him. He told Lincoln all about his new scriptures and that he was going to say the prayer in primary. Lincoln was happy for an entertaining face to look and smile at. I sure enjoy his happy, sweet, cooperative times; it helps when we are in the midst of the "other" times. I pray that someday we'll be able to have consistantly more of the happy, sweet, cooperative times. I know and get glimpses of the most tender hearted little person inside...HOW DO I PULL THAT SWEET KID OUT AND KEEP HIM OUT?? He sure does a good job of helping his brothers expend energy....cute kid!


Sharron said...

We have known for quite a while that Gabriel has a special spirit.. . . in many ways. He has a lot of challenges he will learn from and when those lessons are combined with that unbelievabley tender heart, they will do so much good in this ornnery old world!

All from the loving eyes of a totally objective grandmother!

Brianna said...

Such a cute story! Arianna gave her first scripture and prayer recently too! I thought she would get scared and make a scene as she ran away crying. But she actually was very brave and did a great job! It was so neat to watch. She also has her own scripture bag and one of my old Book of Mormons. She loves having it, talks about it to anyone who will listen, and absolutely cannot go to church without it! These little children set such a perfect example of how we should treasure what our Heavenly Father has given us! Great job Gabriel! We love you. :)

P.S. Don't worry, I'm working on keeping Arianna's sweet and nice side out more is hard, especially when you know they have so much of it in them, and then they act otherwise. We'll get there!

Liz said...

Cute story and don't you know the favorite parent is the one that is either #1 has what the kids wants at the time-car keys, money... #2 More likely to say yes #3 The one that's in the better mood Now the trick is to keep the kids guessing as to WHO that person is! Mom and Dad must always be a united front...much thicker armor that way not as easy to crack under pressure. LOL :)

Sounds like your little guy took his responsibility to heart! So sweet that he wanted to share his big day with baby Lincoln.

Your doing a good job mom...even though you weren't his favorite at the moment!