Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sick or Treat

I had lots of big, fun plans for this Halloween. We were able to still do some of them, but had to start cutting back the closer we got to Halloween because the big boys decided to get sick. Long week short...(When I can get the pictures together I'll add those)

Gabriel ran a fever for over a week, kept complaining that he broke a bone in his ear, missed several days of school including his first school Halloween party, and a few other fun activities. He was very concerned about missing his school party and other fun stuff. Being the empathetic mom that I am, every time he'd say he broke the bone in his ear I'd dismiss it. Lately anytime he "can't" do something it's because he has a broken bone; "I can't clean my room I broke my leg bone", "I can't eat I broke my hand bone" you get the idea. Not to mention, do you know how hard it would be to actually break those tiny bones in your ear?? DUH, I'm an idiot! He has a history of ear problems and doesn't have the language to explain it to me. Sunday, after baths, I was cleaning his ears and surprise there was bloody discharge. Soooo, he missed school for a very non-contagious ear infection. I hope no permanent damage was done. He's well now and back to school. He wanted to be a giraffe again this year. Last year's costume still fit perfectly, so getting him ready was easy.

Garrett started running a fever a few days after Gabriel did. He missed his pre-school Halloween party and several activities too. Fortunately, we were able to do some fun things before he got sick so he doesn't realize what all he missed. He ended up seeing the Pediatrician for a fever that kept hitting 103. It's just a virus, not the flu, that needs to run its course. He just missed another day of pre-school. He'll be back on Wednesday because the fever is gone now and he's wild again. He wanted to be a T-Rex. We really tried to find a costume for him. We ordered 2 online that were too small, checked all the stores on our side of town, and finally gave up and broke the news to him that he'd have to be a monkey again...same as last year. He took it pretty well.

Lincoln is illness free. However, still not a fan of food; although, he's slowly coming to terms with the inevitability of the whole eating thing. He still sees no reason to sleep through the night, but I'm getting good at sleeping through him waking up. He normal crawls now, but it's looks very mechanical. You can see him thinking...right...left...right...left. He was our hand-me-down "lil punkin" till my mom found a cute alien/monster/critter costume for a gonga $1.99.

They were ALL so cute! It's pretty much always a zoo around here so I thought their costumes were pretty fitting. ;+D I'm glad there was still so much fun to be had with Ava (they LOVED their caramel apples!) and trick or treating with Jens. If you ask them how there Halloween was, they answer "FUN!" That's the important part.

Stephen and I came down with some kind of stuffy nose kind of thing. We don't feel sick, just stuffed up. We bought a bunch of expectorant and Sudafed and life goes on.

Sooo, our Halloween weekend can all be summed with Sick or Treat. Stay tuned for our annual trip to the Urgent Care EVERY Christmas Eve.


Alison said...

I am sorry you guys had a such a rotten Halloween. Hopefully it was bad enough that you can just skip the Christmas drama this year. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. :)

Liz said...

Oh man that sucks! I was waiting for you to say they had swine flu and I'm so glad they didn't. Ear infections are still so hard on them. I hope your all feeling better...I feel bad that the little guys missed Halloween and their school parties - that's sad. Hope your all better soon!

Brianna said...

Sorry you guys have been feeling so yucky! And I really hope you don't have to do the Emergency trip this year. That is always hard. Get well boys! We love you and miss you! Hope we can see you sometime soon. The girls are dying to show you our new house that we get to move into next week! (They are excited, but I'm passed that and just plain STRESSED!!!!! I don't think the packing will ever end, and I cannot find time to pack on week nights!!!!!) Anyway...talk to you guys soon! Hugs all around.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with all the big holidays happening during the cold/flu season...Maybe you could move to Australia and have better luck!

Courtney said...

Sorry you little guys got sick that is never fun. Too bad you had to cut some of your plans short, there is always next year though.

Dansie Family said...

sorry. way to take it all in stride. btw i think we'll have our bountiful sites up and running for the next pick-up. i need to order baskets.