On Monday and Wednesday mornings I teach a class. Yesterday (Wednesday) I woke up sick...just felt awful...but I knew there was no way to get a last minute sub, so off to work I went. I decided the class was watching a movie for the first half and we'd do real work for the second half. I have this aura around electronics...I BREAK THEM. We got half way through the movie and the darn thing froze up, I tried to just skip to the next scene but no luck. Long story short I called IT and it took them 25 minutes to get it going again. During that 25 minutes I peeked at my phone and saw a friend from college called. I made note to call her back when class was out. Welllll, we got through the movie and the DVD player refused to give my movie back. Called IT again, it took him 15 minutes to get my movie out. All of the technical difficulties made the movie take the entire class. I checked the time and noted I was going to be late to Gabriel's class. I help some of the kids that are behind in reading every Wednesday.
As I was walking to my car I noticed my friend had gone ahead and sent a text. "(The school's name) is on lock down, streets are blocked by cops and helicopter is buzzing neighborhood. You know anything?" The message came in a little after 10 and now it was past 12. Eek, no I knew nothing. I went on over to the school thinking it'd probably been long enough and the lock down would be over. Wrong. The school was still locked up tight. I called my friend to see if she'd heard anything more ( she lives in the neighborhood where Gabriel's school is located). She had been told to keep everyone inside and lock up her house. I gave a call to my mom, who had the other two yahoos, and let her know I wasn't sure how the day would go. I wouldn't be able to get Gabriel till the lock down ended.
I worked in k-12 settings for MANY years I've been in lock downs all over this town, from the snooty foothills to the scary other areas of town. In every single instance it's been something that happened in the surrounding neighborhood that they wanted to keep off school grounds. I'll never forget one lock down. I was on my first week back to work after maternity leave with Gabriel. It was 5 minutes before the lunch bell rang and I was STARVING, 2 minutes later we were on lock down....I sat in that room STARVING for nearly 2 hours. I finished reading the book I had with me and then had to just sit there and think about my hungry tummy. Fun. Anyway, I've been on the inside of many of them. I've never felt any threat to my safety and just waited for the bad guy in the neighborhood to get caught then we'd go on our way. It was different this time. I was on the outside; I didn't like that. I wasn't one of those crazy parents that start banging on the door and insist that an administrator puts themself at risk while bringing my child to me, but I did have a slightly unsettled feeling. New. I knew I wouldn't be helping out in class that day so I called Stephen and he bought a pretzel for me for lunch, and I dropped off some paperwork for a summer program we're putting Gabriel in. The secretary at his school continued answering the phones the whole time, so any parent that wanted to contact the school still could.
A letter was sent home with all the kids. It stated that there was a drop house on a street that was right next to school. Several illegal immigrants had gotten out somehow and were going to houses in the neighborhood asking for help because they were being held against their will. When the police showed up there were several more that scattered into the neighborhood. The school was on lock down while everyone was rounded up. I hope they caught the smugglers and that they ROT IN @&%#!!! It makes me SO dang mad. I don't agree with sneaking in illegally, but do understand the desperation behind such a decision. Those horrible smuggling "coyotes" can really make my blood boil. They take advantage of another persons desperation, take every cent the person owns, promises things they never intend to deliver, then just abandon them on this side of the border...unless they decide to turn to extortion and hold them ransom till their family sends more money. Ticks me off. Well, I guess that about enough of my feelings on that.
I WAS able to pick up my Gabriel on time and all was well. They had missed ALL of their recesses that day. He has a student teacher this semester...she looked a little frazzled. She mentioned that the lock down ended 15 minutes before their PE time and boy was she relieved. I can only imagine being locked in a classroom of 25 kindergartners ALL DAY. Gabriel came home with more pent up energy than I've seen in loooong time. He ran around and played hard for the rest of the afternoon. I think everyone is pretty ready for spring break. {;+D
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Big 4
Today our Little Garrett turned 4. He's a handful that Garrett and full of all kinds of crazy ideas to get into trouble with, but we just love that little critter to pieces! When we went in and told him today was his birthday and he was four now he got so excited and said, "Now I can have scissors!!" Uh, no dear you can wait till Kindergarten for those. I saw what he did at Nanny's house with a pair of scissors. ;+)
He's beyond stubborn! Slowly but surely we're winning one battle then another; it's exhausting. The latest battle has been going pee in the potty. He knows how to and can do it, he just didn't want to take the time. FRUSTRATING...and pull ups are expensive. I know lots of people say just put them straight into underwear. The problem with that is the pee of a male person all over the house that a male dog lives in. The last thing I need is to be cleaning up pee from my little male person then later finding pee from my little male dog "re-marking" said territory. The little male dog predates our little male people and our marriage....so obviously this little marking ones territory didn't even come to mind back in the day.
We've tried everything we could think of to motivate him, cheers, money, candy, Popsicles, charts, time out for going in his pants, a single swat for going in his pants, nothing phased him. Every time I'd find him in a wet pull up he'd yell, "IT WASN'T ME, SOMEONE ELSE PEED IN MY PULL UP!" Strange thing, I didn't buy it.
Several weeks ago we were eating dinner and the conversation turned to peeing in the potty. (what is it with boys and talking about bathrooms, etc at the table?) That Stephen of mine is a quick thinker he looked that boy straight in the eye and told him, "You know 4 year olds that pee in pull ups have their bottoms fall off. You're almost 4 you better start peeing in the potty."
Gabriel didn't believe it, but Garrett did. ;+) He had an immediate improvement in the rate pee got into the potty. A couple days ago he said he was ready for underwear. We made a huge deal out of it and reminded him NO peeing in underwear. He looked at me so seriously and said, "4 year olds that wear pull ups have their bottoms get loose then when they pee in pull ups their bottoms FALL OFF!" I agreed whole heartedly. He's had a couple accidents, but it doing pretty well. He even made it through pre-school with underwear on. Such a nice development. I had figured with the 3 year break between he and Lincoln I'd only have one in diapers. I've been a little annoyed at one in diapers and one in pull ups...STILL. We're ecstatic with his willingness to be a big boy.
He is a dinosaur these days. He likes to make naughty choices at pre-school then say it wasn't him but the dinosaur. His sweet, but firm, teacher is really good about not allowing that kind of stuff to go on. Fortunately, he's settled on being an omnivore so we can usually convince him that dinosaurs eat whatever is currently sitting on his plate.
He's picking up lots of things Gabriel brings home from school. The most recent is "Eyes on the side better to hide, eyes in the front better to hunt." He says is over and over and over and over and you get the idea. He is also really good at memorizing songs. We got him to sing a really cute cowboy song and let us record it the other day.
That little mind of his is going 100 mph all the time. I've had a couple of Gabriel's former teachers comment that, "Garrett isn't quite as aggressive as Gabriel, but seems to really have a lot of energy." Yes he does. The key to his success in school will be getting all the energy harnessed...somehow. We've got no idea how to do that, but have another year to figure it out.
He loves being in Sunbeams this year. I've helped out in his class quite a bit. All I have to say is I need a nap when we get out. I don't know how these kids manage to learn anything when they are all over like an ant hill, but they do. He likes to remind us to "choose the right".
He and Lincoln are getting better and better at figuring out how to meet in the middle to play. Lincoln is getting scrappier and Garrett is getting a little more gentle. They come up with really cute games together. He's pretty protective of his little brother.
He's growing up fast. He looks just like Stephen did as a kid and I pray he grows into the same kind of honest, hard working, worthy man his dad is.
Happy Birthday my Little Garrett...stop growing up so fast it makes me feel old. ;-) We love you sweet boy!
He's beyond stubborn! Slowly but surely we're winning one battle then another; it's exhausting. The latest battle has been going pee in the potty. He knows how to and can do it, he just didn't want to take the time. FRUSTRATING...and pull ups are expensive. I know lots of people say just put them straight into underwear. The problem with that is the pee of a male person all over the house that a male dog lives in. The last thing I need is to be cleaning up pee from my little male person then later finding pee from my little male dog "re-marking" said territory. The little male dog predates our little male people and our marriage....so obviously this little marking ones territory didn't even come to mind back in the day.
We've tried everything we could think of to motivate him, cheers, money, candy, Popsicles, charts, time out for going in his pants, a single swat for going in his pants, nothing phased him. Every time I'd find him in a wet pull up he'd yell, "IT WASN'T ME, SOMEONE ELSE PEED IN MY PULL UP!" Strange thing, I didn't buy it.
Several weeks ago we were eating dinner and the conversation turned to peeing in the potty. (what is it with boys and talking about bathrooms, etc at the table?) That Stephen of mine is a quick thinker he looked that boy straight in the eye and told him, "You know 4 year olds that pee in pull ups have their bottoms fall off. You're almost 4 you better start peeing in the potty."
Gabriel didn't believe it, but Garrett did. ;+) He had an immediate improvement in the rate pee got into the potty. A couple days ago he said he was ready for underwear. We made a huge deal out of it and reminded him NO peeing in underwear. He looked at me so seriously and said, "4 year olds that wear pull ups have their bottoms get loose then when they pee in pull ups their bottoms FALL OFF!" I agreed whole heartedly. He's had a couple accidents, but it doing pretty well. He even made it through pre-school with underwear on. Such a nice development. I had figured with the 3 year break between he and Lincoln I'd only have one in diapers. I've been a little annoyed at one in diapers and one in pull ups...STILL. We're ecstatic with his willingness to be a big boy.
He is a dinosaur these days. He likes to make naughty choices at pre-school then say it wasn't him but the dinosaur. His sweet, but firm, teacher is really good about not allowing that kind of stuff to go on. Fortunately, he's settled on being an omnivore so we can usually convince him that dinosaurs eat whatever is currently sitting on his plate.
He's picking up lots of things Gabriel brings home from school. The most recent is "Eyes on the side better to hide, eyes in the front better to hunt." He says is over and over and over and over and you get the idea. He is also really good at memorizing songs. We got him to sing a really cute cowboy song and let us record it the other day.
That little mind of his is going 100 mph all the time. I've had a couple of Gabriel's former teachers comment that, "Garrett isn't quite as aggressive as Gabriel, but seems to really have a lot of energy." Yes he does. The key to his success in school will be getting all the energy harnessed...somehow. We've got no idea how to do that, but have another year to figure it out.
He loves being in Sunbeams this year. I've helped out in his class quite a bit. All I have to say is I need a nap when we get out. I don't know how these kids manage to learn anything when they are all over like an ant hill, but they do. He likes to remind us to "choose the right".
He and Lincoln are getting better and better at figuring out how to meet in the middle to play. Lincoln is getting scrappier and Garrett is getting a little more gentle. They come up with really cute games together. He's pretty protective of his little brother.
He's growing up fast. He looks just like Stephen did as a kid and I pray he grows into the same kind of honest, hard working, worthy man his dad is.
Happy Birthday my Little Garrett...stop growing up so fast it makes me feel old. ;-) We love you sweet boy!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Guess I Left Out a Few Details....
Like what Stephen's new job is. Sorry. If I tell you I'd have to kill you....Ha Ha Just Kidding!
He applied with two different fire departments. The first department he made it from over 800 applicants to the top 20, but they only hired 12, so we know he was somewhere between 13-20.
The second department that he applied to is the one that just offered him a job. He'll be working with Golder Ranch Fire. For those familiar with the area it covers Oro Valley and Saddlebrook. For the most part it's a quiet department...I'm ok with that = less chance that he'll get maimed or killed. That man makes the craziest, wildest kids known to this planet; he is NOT allowed to leave me alone to try and raise them. :-) It's feels like we've been holding our breath for a long long time under water; and now can breath without the nagging thought in the back of our minds that there might not be any air left in a couple weeks. Stephen doesn't overtly show much emotion, but his eyes are full of relief, excitement, and hope for a good future. He's smiling again. I have my Stephen back.
The academy starts April 5 and runs through the endish of June. It'll be dang hot by the end, but I'm glad it'll be over before the humidity hits in July. Although, the heat doesn't seem to have much of an effect on him. He's been elevated several stratospheres in the boy's eyes. Garrett was a little concerned because he thought "fighter fighters" left home forever and wanted him to stay here. All is well now that I've explained how it works. Now the big excitement is about the lights on the truck that go "whew whew whew". We are both SO excited.
I've gotten a couple of questions regarding any calendars in the future. These made us both chuckle. I think I've got a pretty darn hot husband, but am not blind to the fact that he's a lean type of fellow. I was once told by someone that he's "deceptively strong for how he looks". He is a strong guy, but to look at him you wouldn't really guess it. He can work out all day long, those lean muscles are not going to bulk to calendar proportions. So, sorry chances are, you won't ever get to see him as Mr. July. {;+D
It's strange how it really feels like a physical weight has been lifted, but in reality the only thing that's gone is the suffocating worry and stress. I've mentioned before WE'RE SO EXCITED, but really there are no words to express how we feel....excited will have to do.
He applied with two different fire departments. The first department he made it from over 800 applicants to the top 20, but they only hired 12, so we know he was somewhere between 13-20.
The second department that he applied to is the one that just offered him a job. He'll be working with Golder Ranch Fire. For those familiar with the area it covers Oro Valley and Saddlebrook. For the most part it's a quiet department...I'm ok with that = less chance that he'll get maimed or killed. That man makes the craziest, wildest kids known to this planet; he is NOT allowed to leave me alone to try and raise them. :-) It's feels like we've been holding our breath for a long long time under water; and now can breath without the nagging thought in the back of our minds that there might not be any air left in a couple weeks. Stephen doesn't overtly show much emotion, but his eyes are full of relief, excitement, and hope for a good future. He's smiling again. I have my Stephen back.
The academy starts April 5 and runs through the endish of June. It'll be dang hot by the end, but I'm glad it'll be over before the humidity hits in July. Although, the heat doesn't seem to have much of an effect on him. He's been elevated several stratospheres in the boy's eyes. Garrett was a little concerned because he thought "fighter fighters" left home forever and wanted him to stay here. All is well now that I've explained how it works. Now the big excitement is about the lights on the truck that go "whew whew whew". We are both SO excited.
I've gotten a couple of questions regarding any calendars in the future. These made us both chuckle. I think I've got a pretty darn hot husband, but am not blind to the fact that he's a lean type of fellow. I was once told by someone that he's "deceptively strong for how he looks". He is a strong guy, but to look at him you wouldn't really guess it. He can work out all day long, those lean muscles are not going to bulk to calendar proportions. So, sorry chances are, you won't ever get to see him as Mr. July. {;+D
It's strange how it really feels like a physical weight has been lifted, but in reality the only thing that's gone is the suffocating worry and stress. I've mentioned before WE'RE SO EXCITED, but really there are no words to express how we feel....excited will have to do.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sweet Hallelujah!!
Yeah, I'm thinkin' about movin' to the South.
Stephen got "the call" this morning and HAS BEEN OFFERED A JOB!
He still has to do a pretty extensive physical and drug screen, but all should be fine with those. He lived in a VERY poor country in Africa for nearly a year and the question of did he manage to pick up some crazy, weird thing while there is always in the back of our minds. They did have their house bleached daily, and the darn boy NEVER gets sick, so I'm pretty confident that all is well. {;-D
We're SO excited!
Just imagine bi-weekly, predictable paychecks. This will be the first time in our marriage he's not been commission based...or... how we've been living for the last couple years... Commissions can be nice when they are big, but you NEVER know when, how much or IF you'll have a check. It often left me edgy and feeling a little insecure, I don't tend to do insecure well. That arrangement also helped us avoid debt like the plague because we knew there isn't always going to be money to make monthly payments. Minimal debt kept us afloat with "how we've been living for the past couple of years". We are both so ready to start a new phase, we've been humbled, learned lessons, felt the loving compassion of others who care about us, have an unwavering knowledge that our Heavenly Father knows us and our struggles and will send help and blessings when he sees fit (for this is how we've managed to keep mind and soul together) and have a very focused plan for "when we have a job again".
Did I mention WE'RE SO EXCITED!?!
Stephen got "the call" this morning and HAS BEEN OFFERED A JOB!
He still has to do a pretty extensive physical and drug screen, but all should be fine with those. He lived in a VERY poor country in Africa for nearly a year and the question of did he manage to pick up some crazy, weird thing while there is always in the back of our minds. They did have their house bleached daily, and the darn boy NEVER gets sick, so I'm pretty confident that all is well. {;-D
We're SO excited!
Just imagine bi-weekly, predictable paychecks. This will be the first time in our marriage he's not been commission based...or... how we've been living for the last couple years... Commissions can be nice when they are big, but you NEVER know when, how much or IF you'll have a check. It often left me edgy and feeling a little insecure, I don't tend to do insecure well. That arrangement also helped us avoid debt like the plague because we knew there isn't always going to be money to make monthly payments. Minimal debt kept us afloat with "how we've been living for the past couple of years". We are both so ready to start a new phase, we've been humbled, learned lessons, felt the loving compassion of others who care about us, have an unwavering knowledge that our Heavenly Father knows us and our struggles and will send help and blessings when he sees fit (for this is how we've managed to keep mind and soul together) and have a very focused plan for "when we have a job again".
Did I mention WE'RE SO EXCITED!?!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Once we managed to get Garrett talking he's been pretty good with enunciation and articulation. Every once in a while though he comes up with some funny word switches. These are just a few, I know there's more, but of course can't remember them right now. :-)
Garrett: Where is my Tragasaurus Rex?
Me: On the coffee table.
Garrett: Ohh-Kaaay! (Running off)
Garrett: It's not on the coughing table.
Me: (In my mind of course) That's because it's on the coffee table.
During our weekly grocery store visit:
Garrett: Can I see the fish?
Me: This is a different Wal Mart it doesn't have fish.
Garrett: (super whiny) But I want to see the amimals.
Me: Well if you behave while we get this done I'll take you to a fish store.
(An hour later 10 minutes from check out)
Garrett: (With Exasperation) Can we please see the stinkin' amimals now?
Me: You want what?
Garrett: To see the stinkin' ammimals!
Me: Hmmm...
Aunt Sassy called and asked if Gabriel could go to the U of A Book Festival with her.
Me: Hey Gabriel I just talked with Sassy, do you want to go to the Book Festival on Saturday?
Gabriel: YEAH!
Garrett: Do you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yep, sorry. Sassy will take you to the zoo later. (You don't actually have to be 5 or 51/2, but I wasn't about to send them both down there.
Garrett: Do you only have to be 31/2 to go to the zoo?
Me: Yeah.
(Several days later as Gabriel is getting ready to go.)
Garrett: Is Gabriel going to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yeah.
Garrett: Yeah, you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable. I get to go to the zoo!
Stephen discovered Wacky Pack Wednesday at Sonic (the kids wacky pack meals are only $1.79). We love it, the kids felt special and our wallet didn't feel picked on. Garrett ordered a grilled cheese, banana, and a cherry slush. On the way home this came from the backseat, "Can I have my flush now?" "You want your what?" "My flushie."
Garrett: Where is my Tragasaurus Rex?
Me: On the coffee table.
Garrett: Ohh-Kaaay! (Running off)
Garrett: It's not on the coughing table.
Me: (In my mind of course) That's because it's on the coffee table.
During our weekly grocery store visit:
Garrett: Can I see the fish?
Me: This is a different Wal Mart it doesn't have fish.
Garrett: (super whiny) But I want to see the amimals.
Me: Well if you behave while we get this done I'll take you to a fish store.
(An hour later 10 minutes from check out)
Garrett: (With Exasperation) Can we please see the stinkin' amimals now?
Me: You want what?
Garrett: To see the stinkin' ammimals!
Me: Hmmm...
Aunt Sassy called and asked if Gabriel could go to the U of A Book Festival with her.
Me: Hey Gabriel I just talked with Sassy, do you want to go to the Book Festival on Saturday?
Gabriel: YEAH!
Garrett: Do you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yep, sorry. Sassy will take you to the zoo later. (You don't actually have to be 5 or 51/2, but I wasn't about to send them both down there.
Garrett: Do you only have to be 31/2 to go to the zoo?
Me: Yeah.
(Several days later as Gabriel is getting ready to go.)
Garrett: Is Gabriel going to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yeah.
Garrett: Yeah, you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable. I get to go to the zoo!
Stephen discovered Wacky Pack Wednesday at Sonic (the kids wacky pack meals are only $1.79). We love it, the kids felt special and our wallet didn't feel picked on. Garrett ordered a grilled cheese, banana, and a cherry slush. On the way home this came from the backseat, "Can I have my flush now?" "You want your what?" "My flushie."
Oh yes, of course, your flushie. :+)
Stephen called Lincoln a little bambino one day, the next day I heard Garrett talking to him only now Lincoln is a little bambiMo.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Big Ol' Noggin !

Our Little Lincoln has had a big head since birth. Recently, when he was in for his 12 month well check, the Pediatrician thought it'd be a good idea to do a head sonogram just to make sure there wasn't anything underlying. All I can say is that this kid that doesn't like ANYTHING touching his head was NOT a fan of the goopy gel stuff all of the top of his head. It was weird looking into his head. I could recognize some of the structures as brain structures, but had no idea of the names. Then I noticed a little worm lookin' thing in the middle of his brain. I'm no doctor, but last time I checked there isn't anything that moves inside our brains. I asked the sonogram tech what it was. Apparently, the movement of blood looks like a worm moving around. Hmmm......
He was mad at me for holding him still for quite a while....

but during the ride home finally forgave me and thoroughly enjoyed those shoes of his.
See those little teeth poking out? Yeah, he was over 1 when he finally started growing those,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Daddy's In Charge!
These are the messages he sent to me throughout the night. They were capped by the above picture. {;-D
6:50 PM Lincoln ate a scoop of Sloppy Joe sauce. Should be a stuffed little piggy.
7:10 PM Now he's eaten half a bun, 4 peach slices & 7 graham cracker sticks & still wants more.
7:31 PM Now he just peed all over me, himself & the floor while I was trying to put butt paste on him. Grrrrr. (followed by a funny angry face that Blackberry has in it)
7:31 PM Hope you enjoy the play by play. Now he's fascinated with the spotbot. (I highly recommend a Bissell Spotbot for kids and/or pets, bought online where it's way cheaper of course!)
7:53 PM That last one (the above picture) is self explanatory....
I think Lincoln did a good job of summing up the night.


This had been going on for quite awhile when he kept complaining about his stomach. We TOTALLY blew it off....till he puked all over the back of Stephen's truck. All I have to say about that is he's lucky he was with Dad and not me. {;-] He was over it in 24 hours and was back to his normal crying wolf behaviors very quickly.
Then I got ANOTHER call from the school nurse. He was complaining that his ear hurt and "looks like he's really sick this time" according to sweet Miss ----.
He FREAKED out when he heard me say I'd get an appointment with the Pediatrician. For the next hour he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I feel better, I don't want to go to the doctor, I. DON'T. WANT. A. SHOT!" I finally told him if he didn't stop yelling I was going to give him 2 shots. Then I explained you don't get shots for ear infections.
We got in and found out that, yes, he did in fact have an ear infection and fluid in the other ear. That explains all the "what?" going on around here. He can't hear. Then the doctor listened to his lungs and thought he also had either pneumonia or bronchitis going on. That explained a whole lot of the cranky behavior. He got to become a space man and have a breathing treatment. Being a space man was VERY cool. I looked up and saw his legs hanging off the table and all of a sudden my big boy looked so little at that moment. The breathing treatment took care of the noise in his lungs so it was not pneumonia. That was good.
We came out with a prescription for a super antibiotic, that got rid of everything that had been going on in his little body, albuteral for additional breathing treatments as needed, and a new allergy medication.
He's doing much better now, and we hope he won't miss anymore school. I'm excited for his ears to drain out so he can hear better again. I'm a little concerned about how much auditory input he's missing during class. He does still have flare ups of hypochondria on an almost daily basis. ;-}
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