Thursday, March 11, 2010


Once we managed to get Garrett talking he's been pretty good with enunciation and articulation. Every once in a while though he comes up with some funny word switches. These are just a few, I know there's more, but of course can't remember them right now. :-)

Garrett: Where is my
Tragasaurus Rex?
Me: On the coffee table.
Garrett: Ohh-Kaaay! (Running off)
Garrett: It's not on the coughing table.
Me: (In my mind of course) That's because it's on the coffee table.

During our weekly grocery store visit:

Garrett: Can I see the fish?

Me: This is a different Wal Mart it doesn't have fish.
Garrett: (super whiny) But I want to see the amimals.
Me: Well if you behave while we get this done I'll take you to a fish store.
(An hour later 10 minutes from check out)
Garrett: (With Exasperation) Can we please see the stinkin' amimals now?
Me: You want what?
Garrett: To see the stinkin' ammimals!
Me: Hmmm...

Aunt Sassy called and asked if Gabriel could go to the U of A Book Festival with her.

Me: Hey Gabriel I just talked with Sassy, do you want to go to the Book Festival on Saturday?
Gabriel: YEAH!
Garrett: Do you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yep, sorry. Sassy will take you to the zoo later. (You don't actually have to be 5 or 51/2, but I wasn't about to send them both down there.
Garrett: Do you only have to be 31/2 to go to the zoo?
Me: Yeah.
(Several days later as Gabriel is getting ready to go.)
Garrett: Is Gabriel going to the Book Vegetable?
Me: Yeah.
Garrett: Yeah, you have to be 5 or 51/2 to go to the Book Vegetable. I get to go to the zoo!

Stephen discovered Wacky Pack Wednesday at Sonic (the kids wacky pack meals are only $1.79). We love it, the kids felt special and our wallet didn't feel picked on. Garrett ordered a grilled cheese, banana, and a cherry slush. On the way home this came from the backseat, "Can I have my flush now?" "You want your what?" "My flushie."
Oh yes, of course, your flushie. :+)

Stephen called Lincoln a little bambino one day, the next day I heard Garrett talking to him only now Lincoln is a little bambiMo.


Brianna said...

So cute!

Sheffer's said...

I love it. I wish I could remember the crazy things my boys say better. They're so hilarious at the time, but I never get them written down. Good job!