This cute little thing has just earned the title of "Failure to Thrive". Between 6 and 9 months he only gained 14 ounces, not even a full pound. His Pediatrician was concerned at how little he'd gained and ordered a blood test and follow up weight check. I'm such a great mom and took forever to get both done, but finally ended up back in the Doctor's office 4 weeks later.
His blood test came back normal. However, he'd LOST a half pound. He looks so skinny now; he's too tall for many 12 month clothes but waaay to skinny for 18 month clothes. Every time we change him it's sad to see how thin he is. The Doctor was pretty concerned and ordered a stool study (yeah, that was a load of fun to collect...EW!) cystic fibrosis sweat test, and visit to a nutritionist. Both the stool and sweat test came back normal. Today we visited with the nutritionist. She said she didn't notice any huge red flags, but thinks he might have some food sensitivities. He's allowed to have those as long as it's soy and dairy like Gabriel. It's hard enough maintaining a soy/dairy free house, I can't imagine adding something else into the mix. She gave me several good pointers and suggestions to try and recover and add to his weight. I couldn't help but think Dr. Newmark (the Dr. that helped us a TON with Gabriel) would be a great resource right now too...he moved to California.
A few days ago my parents stopped by and while my Dad was here they gave him a blessing. After, Stephen mentioned that he really felt like there was definitely something going on, but that it wasn't huge. So, I guess now we're down just figuring out what exactly it is.
He's becoming more and more fussy and seems like he doesn't feel good. He's recently earned the name "Velcro Boy" because he has to be attached to me at all times. It's taking a toll on my poor frayed rotator cuffs, but if it means he doesn't cry all day and night, I'll hold him. I go back to work later this month, it'll be rough on him if we're still working on a diagnosis. I miss my Lincoln...
Oh, Mariah. Uggh. :( That just stinks. He's such a cutie, I'm sorry you're having to deal with another eating issue. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
We'll keep him in our prayers! And hopefully you can figure out the problem soon. On the flip side...that is a VERY cute picture of our little Lincoln!
Hey, I was just talking to James about your little one. He suggested looking into digestive enzymes. From his medical standpoint, he thinks it might help. Just thought I'd pass it on.
Poor little guy and POOR mom! The worry and stress alone is enough to make you poke yourself in the eye...no wait you already did that fromt he looks of another post...just kidding. Mariah I feel so bad for you and will keep baby Lincoln in my prayers!
I have been worried sick for you and your family. This is not what any Mother wants to hear.....
We are praying for you and hoping that you find the source of the problem quickly and it is something that you are able to take care of easily. He is such a cute little fella! I hope you and your eye start to feel better!
sorry. hopefully you get it figured out and solved easily.
Isabelle only gained a pound during her three month stretch between 6 and 9 months, and the doctor still said she was fat. I think he'll be fine. I know how hard it is to worry about what may be wrong, but I'm sure he's fine. We love you.
Mariah, I just read this post and wanted to find out how the little guy was doing? I hope he is getting bigger and chunkier! Did you ever find out what was wrong?
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