This happened a couple months ago, but I don't want to forget it. It's just for me.
While shopping for a birthday present for a girl with Garrett in tow...
Garrett: Someday when I'm a growle (his weird pronunciation of girl) I would love that!
Me: A girl? You're a boy silly.
Garrett: No, when I become a growle.
Me: But you're a boy, how do you plan on becoming a girl?
Garrett: When you eat growle food, then you get to be a growle, and I would love that.
Me: What is girl food?
Garrett: Girl food. (said so incredulously)
Me: Sorry kiddo you're gonna be a boy forever.
Garrett: Noooo, when I grow up I'll be a growle after I eat growle food. I would looove that.
Our little conversation went on the entire trip to target. The men we passed gave me dirty looks. I kept trying to emphasize that he's stuck being a boy, but he wasn't buying it. He seemed really excited about all the girl stuff he'll get someday when he grows up and can be a girl.
The next day we got together for Arianna's birthday party and he was running around talking about being a growle again. Soooo, Arianna took her magic princess wand and gave him a bipity bopity boo so he could be a girl.
The day after that he was walking around home saying, "I still a boy. Arianna bibby boppy boooo, but I still a boy. (long sigh)" He was SO disappointed that the wand didn't work.
The little phase has passed and he's accepted that not only is he a boy, but a big boy....most of the time. I don't know what is going on in that kid's head most of the time, but am pretty sure I'd be scared if I did know. :)
I did a "Nanny Scan" . . . . . you should be scared ;+/
that is SO funny.
Too cute. Kids are so funny.
That's hilarious! Why do they always pick public places to do those sorts of things in? :D
I'm sure one day it's going to embarrassing to him that he wanted to be a girl so bad! LOL! Too funny!
THAT is so funny!! Because my boys keep telling me that when they are girls they are going to have a baby. It's like they can't handle the fact - that that is NOT going to happen!!
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