We're confident for good this time.
After our really bad afternoon, and a delivery of ice cream from Aunt Sassy, she was able to sleep it off and figure out how to eat again. She still wasn't a fan of night time so I ended up in the the recliner holding her for most of the night. She was eating, which caused weight gain, which led to going home...sleeping in a recliner...totally doable.
My nights in the recliner led to some interesting observations, the main one being that night nurses get pretty punchy around 6:30 am. They start joking and giggle/laughing like crazy about half an hour before shift change. I think I'd do the same thing if I'd been awake all night dealing with very time involved babies too. Lynneah shared a room with 2 25 week preemies and a 27 weeker. She looked like a moose even though she's still 1/2 a pound below her birth weight. Those teeny tiny babies kept the nurses REALLY busy, Lynneah's fussiness just added to the commotion of the room, thus the reason I sat there and took care of all her non-medical needs for a week.
I'll be getting a full detailed post up as soon as I can, mainly because we don't want to forget the last week. The NICU is truly a place where miracles happen; we will forever be grateful that we are the recipients of one of those miracles.
It was wonderful to see her in person yesterday...and even better that I got to hold her. And I LOVE the little green outfit she is wearing in that pic.
I am glad she was so greatly blessed through all of this!
I am so glad that she is home, that the surgery went well, and Lynneah seems to be doing well also. Good luck trying to get some sleep and with everything else!
We are so happy for you all. The nicu has a special place in my heart as well-there are special people in there!
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