Well...Some of us anyway.
I think we'll call her Wheeza'.
She kicks, squirms, fights and cries every time she needs a treatment, then all of a sudden realizes she can breathe and falls asleep.
Her new equipment; she's not a huge fan, but definitely doesn't fight it as much. It is SO much faster than the nebulizer. After wheezing for 6 days and seeing little improvement from Albuteral and Prednisolone she won a trip to the Pulmonologist. We got the above spacer and more prescriptions. He didn't say it was asthma, "but it is the second episode of wheezing in only 5 months." (She turned 5 months yesterday.) We were also given an asthma action plan.
The little mask is SO little and cute in a sad kinda way...weird mix of feelings. Since this isn't wheezing season the Dr is treating pretty aggressively. Hopefully we can avoid too many problems this fall when it really is wheezing season.
The bouncy seat is my best friend when a kid can't breathe well. She's sleeping much more comfortably now.
The bouncy seat is my best friend when a kid can't breathe well. She's sleeping much more comfortably now.
She is a dang cute little bug though!
New Garrett-ism:
(While rubbing her fuzzy little head) "Awww, gracious little dear, gracious, gracious little dear."
I thought it was so cute, I just left it. We'll talk about precious later. :-)
I spent more nights than I will ever remember sleeping in a big arm chair so I could breathe. Hang in there - she'll get through this and so will you!
Sounds like my little one. He had two episodes of bronchialitis(?) in like two weeks. They are too young to really be labeled as having asthma, but he went on twice a day breathing treatments for almost two years, then once a day, and he just recently got off all his medication. Hopefully he does well during the fall/winter months and can stay off of it. I always liked the nebulizer though because it would put him to sleep;) Good luck!
Poor little girl! I do hope this helps, and things are figured out before the "wheezing" season. But you are right...she is dang cute!!! (And growing so fast...)
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