Friday, May 14, 2010

Dear Wells Fargo Mortgage,

You make me crazy! I loath you and hope you die a long a painful death. You acquired us not the other way around!

You're inept, minimalist mortgage employees are worthless and a drain of your money. They're a drain of the rest of our time and resources. They're a drain on the air the rest of us breathe. They're a drain on the patience of the fatigued and downtrodden. They're a waste of human flesh!

If your little cashier people ask me one more time if I'd like to open a checking account with you since we already have a mortgage the answer is #$&% NO and always will be!! I'll try to keep myself from scratching their eyes out and kicking them in the knee though. I don't want to have anything to do with you ever. I never did want to have anything to do with you, that's why we went with someone else. Remember, you acquired us.

Even though we didn't pick or want you, we were good little payers. We did it right. We bought at the low end of what we were approved for. We've always had a fixed interest rate instead of one of those variable rate scams. We refinanced into a 15 year, lower interest rate the second we could. We always paid on time and paid extra anytime we had even 5 bucks to throw at you. We worked hard. We communicated. Did you return the favor? No.

You stink!
We will NEVER have anything to do with you ever again.

Thanks for topping off the worst week I've had in a long time.

Your Peon Mortgagee

*Sorry for the rant. I'm emotionally exhausted from trying to keep myself under control as we faced one ridiculous incident after another this week. I'm ready to let someone have it and figured the faceless inept at Wells Fargo was a great idea.*


Alison said...

I love your bluntness and honesty Mariah. You crack me up though I know these moments aren't funny. I just love to hear your rants. Sorry you have had a bad week. Hope next week is better. :)

Ashley said...

Oh no, you have to tell me what happened! I am so sorry it has been a bad week. I am having kinda a yucky week too. But I love your honesty.

Munchkin Invasion said...

Ya, actually I had an unfortunate incident with Wells Fargo about ten years ago(in my college years) and have sworn to NEVER use them again. Go Mariah!

Brianna said...

I've never worked with Wells Fargo before...but after your letter...I'm pretty sure I'll try to avoid them at all costs!!!

Our Adventures in Life said...

oh do I hear you. Nic had an account with them before we got married. I hate them with such a passion. They worthless unless you want them to take your money for things that should be free. Amen!!

momentsthattakeyourbreathaway said...

Yeah, you've got to hate mortgage companies in general. Our loan was sold this year too to a company I absolutely hate- not Wells. You made me laugh so hard hearing you spew your disgust at them. Well said!!