Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I'm almost through the week and have survived so far...kinda. Except, I think I have a cold, or sinus infection, or something. I can't breathe and have started coughing now. If I don't breathe just right my head will throb a little. Fun times. Good thing these boys are so calm and subdued so I can rest and get better. Oh...wait, those aren't my kids? Aw dang!

This little Lincoln of ours is SUCH A CLIMBER! If I'm off my game I'm afraid he's gonna get hurt. He's so quiet and sneaky, kinda like his Aunt Sassy was/is, if I'm not on top of him every second he gets into something...usually something well above ground level. So Scary! Gabriel has done a pretty good job, really a little too good of a job, honing his tattling ability so he'll run in and tell me if Lincoln is doing something, but Garrett just joins in the "fun". Yikes.

School's out next week; having all three home will insure absolutely no chance of recovery. Woo Hoo, I'm excited. Gabriel is doing a summer 1st grade prep program so at least it'll just be a couple of 'em for a few hours each morning.

As a completely random side note: I recently discovered Costco now sells Rice Milk in bulk, not just the soy (fruit of the devil) milk. Anytime we find something for Gabriel sold in bulk it's a very exciting time around here. Then just to make me happier I found that they now sell Clorox in a 3 count box, not just 2. I was seriously excited about that. The little shelf in my laundry closet can hold 3 of the Costco size Clorox bottles. Before they only sold 2 count boxes so I'd buy two boxes and have to figure out where to store the darn 4th bottle. My little problem has now been solved....looovvveee it.

Wow, a nap sounds so nice right now....except Gabriel pick up is in an hour. {sigh} I'm pretty whiny today, that should be nice for Stephen to come home to. Poor guy, it is not easy being married to me.


Munchkin Invasion said...

That was awesome stream of consciousness. I love it! It's like a window into a mom's head for a little bit....

Dunklees said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Brianna said...

Keep an eye on that cough. If it's whats been going around, it turns to bronchittis in a matter of days, and turns to pnuemonia if left untreated. I should know, I got it and tried to fight my way through. But with very little sleep, and musical season all around me, I just got sicker and sicker. After 3 months of it, I went it and was chewed out for not taking care of it sooner. (but without medical insurance, I needed to get better on my own...oh well, that didn't happen.) Anyway, take care of yourself. K?