Friday, November 21, 2008

Our Little Costco "Habit"

The Maskey family LOVES Costco! Stephen stops by at least twice a week, sometimes more.

Yesterday we picked Stephen's car up at the mechanic and tried to stop by Costco on the way home, it was still closed. As we pulled into the parking lot Garrett got so excited and yelled from the back seat, "Go see a Chis-a-mas stuff?" I had to laugh out loud. If we could all be so pleased about JUST looking at the Chis-a-mas stuff. He was very sad that we didn't go inside.

Last night they needed to get out of the house, so off to Costco we went. I told the boys to get ready for Costco. Garrett was on fire, he had himself dressed, and shoes on in ten minutes. On the drive I heard this conversation from the back seat.

Garrett: (Super excited voice) Want to see Chis-a-mas stuff with me Gabral? (He always leaves the i out)

Gabriel: (silence)

Garrett: Want to see Chis-a-mas stuff with me Gabral?

Gabriel: Yeah.

Obviously one is much more excited about the Chis-a-mas stuff than the other, I'm sure time will take care of that. Only a couple of weeks ago Gabriel explained, in great length, to Garrett that you can't be scared of sitting on Santa's lap or you won't get any toys. We haven't even talked about Santa this year, and don't require them to sit on his lap for presents. I guess if it gets them to both sit on his lap without a problem, I'll take it. Interpretation of the world according to a 4-year-old.

I love that they are both old enough to actually have conversations with eachother. I like it even more now that I can understand most of their conversations with each other. It wasn't too long ago that I could tell they understood each other, but I was in the dark. They would be playing, talking, and all of a sudden fighting. Now I can hear and understand the wind up for the fight. Their imaginations never end; they make their cars, animals, etc. interact and "talk" with each other.

The funny things they say, and simple pleasures in their lives, make all the power struggles, and naughty times worth it.


Sheffer's said...

My boys love Costco too! They love the Christmas decorations, but mostly they love that we usually get a "snack" at the end and throughout the store. We don't go there too much now, but we'll be making the rounds again soon with this baby!

Sharron said...

I think Gabe is a little enthusiastic about costco because most of the samples have soy and he is so tired of being patient with that little problem. Not hard to feel for him.

Liz said...

Spencer is a Costco addict! He loves loves loves that store. So when they go I usually hitch a ride and Trey comes with Grandma. I just push him around and we check out all the toys and trees. Last month it was all the animated Halloween stuff. Of course he loves all the snacks but his all time favorite is the new fancy juice/water vending machine. The one with the gian "Robot Arm" that comes down and takes the "YELLOW" gatorade and puts it on the platform then transfers it to the little door. He talks about that for hours after ward. Frankly I think that machine is a rip off. It's like 3 bucks for a drink!

Dansie Family said...

we also love costco. my kids love it for the taste testers and if they are good i buy them an ice cream when we are done. and sometimes we even get to get dinner: a slice of pizza, a polish, and an ice cream to share. but i have to limit myself to twice a month or i would go broke.