Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Buckle up...

I don't remember where we were going for this, but I'll tell ya about it anyway. We got Gabriel buckled up first, then while I was wrestling with Garrett's seat (I detest Garrett's seat, I can't wait for it to expire in 2010 so I can get a new one) Gabriel buckled up his "baby". If you look closely at the chest clip you'll see his "baby" elephant.
He proudly annouced that his, "baby" was buckled too, and wouldn't fly out the window now.

For better or worse he got the message that we wear seatbelts so that you won't fly out the window and die if we crash.

He's since lost that baby and now has a "sister" lion that also gets buckled up every time we leave. They really do soak up everything that is said around them, even if it doesn't seem like they're listening.

1 comment:

Sharron said...

Duh! Baby elephant is at Nanny's house! Papa found it and put it somewhere safe ... good luck finding it now!