The other day Gabriel got bored during quiet time. He and Garrett got together and "found" something to do. They shredded
every Friend Magazine in his room. Being the superbly calm, and laid back kinda Mom that I am (yeah right), I didn't yell. He was lucky about that. I decided, instead, to take away all of his toys, books, and fun stuff from his room. A short time later Gabriel looked down at one of the shreds and said, "Oh noooo, it's Jesus." I seized the opportunity, and reminded him that all the pages had Jesus on them; he tore up Jesus. He's getting the idea that if you don't take care of your things they're going to disappear. We'll see how it worked next week when he gets some of his toys back.
Oh Mariah! I have to laugh. I'm glad you snapped some photos. Just do that everytime and over the years you will actually begin to cherish those messes. And it's good black mail material or proof what every you want to use them for. LOL Any way thanks for bringing back a few memories for me.
Don't you just love those messes!
hey, i love all these posts! So fun to read and see real pictures since I don't get the day to day updates in person anymore! Those boys just get cuter and cuter. And Garretts sad, broken cheese stick face so reminds me of Rebekah's similar one that says, "My world just ended, i am so devastated about this." We miss you guys.
PS - I owe you a huge thank you note and check in the mail for sending those Little People and high chair. I actually took pictures of the girls opening the box. All Rebekah does is play with them now. Thank you so much!
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