Monday, April 26, 2010

Love Note...

The boys were sure full of energy this morning. At 7:10 I started trying to get them rounded up and to the car for Gabriel drop off. At 7:25 we finally made it out the door to the front yard, notice I didn't say car, that took till 7:32. I ran around the car getting them all buckled like it was a Chinese Fire Drill for another 5 minutes. When I finally got to my own door I found this little note.

It made me smile that he thought of me this morning before he left. I'm gonna need a lot more than luck.

Then I noticed the saying on the bottom of the paper...


I think I have a new life motto.


Brianna said...

Little notes like that can really brighten a day!!! And the words on the bottom of the paper are VERY true!!! I've learned that I cannot do it any other way!

Good luck! Love ya!

Munchkin Invasion said...

Awwww...that's so sweet!!! It's when they notice your crazy life that means more than the "you're so beautiful stuff." :)