Monday, June 14, 2010

Little Linc-A-Doo

We're still having issues convincing this child to eat. On Sunday he grabbed a potato and thought he was pretty cool.

He was actually eating on it so we let him go to town. He didn't eat the whole thing, but got some down at least. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

He loves when I clean his ears after a bath. Weird. I have to keep a really close eye on him now because he tries to clean his own ears....pretzel sticks, spoons, whatever he can manage to try to get in there. This has got no where but a visit to the doctor to go.

All three boys have gone through a stage that they make a perfect little 'O' with their mouths. I've tried and tried to catch it with a camera. I guess third times a charm! I was so excited that I actually caught it.

This boy continues to scare me everyday with his climbing EVERYTHING. Gabriel tells me right away, but Garrett never does I'll just hear him start laughing and know it's time to run and rescue Lincoln again. Scary.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Love the pictures!!!!