Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sharing?? What's That!?!

Awww, isn't this cute? Little Lincoln wants to be a big boy so badly, but just flat out doesn't play the games "right".

The big boys had a very specific Little People game going on here and Lincoln was "messing it all is terrible!"

The next thing I find is the two BIG boys squished into the naughty pen...just to make sure Lincoln didn't touch anything. They played in here for nearly an hour...makes my feet go to sleep just thinking about it.

This is the little time out (naughty pen) Lincoln gets to visit for things like throwing dog food across the living room, splashing all the water out of the dog bowl, hitting, and climbing up to places like the table. He gets one minute. When we walk back to let him out he'll drop to his knees so he can climb under while we hold the edge up. Boy, he's a savvy little critter; gonna give us a whole new run for our money.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

He's a funny little boy. He wants to be like the older kids so badly. He'll be there before we know it...I just wish they weren't always in such a hurry to grow up. We had fun seeing all of you on Friday!