Meet "Monkey Boy". He's always been a wild lil' Monkey and full of lots of energy. I can't believe all the growing and maturing he's done over the last year. His eyes are so expressive and melt my heart.

Sometimes though, even Monkeys get tired...on VERY. RARE. OCCASIONS.
He was on the very corner of our bed on risers, I was afraid he'd fall off and moved him right after this picture. :)

Meet "Chunky Monkey". He had a brief time as a baby that he had some baby fat on him. As of late, he is "Howler Monkey" due to the colossal tantrums he continues to throw despite being over 4 years old. I think we're all ready for the Howler Monkey phase to end. :) I love his black eyes! He says the funniest things with the funniest intonation.

Meet "Little Monkey". This child climbs EVERYTHING he can. He has me scared all day, everyday. If my furniture arrangement doesn't accommodate his climbing goals he'll rearrange it to suit his goals better. I keep lots of dairy going down him in an effort to fortify those little bones of his as much as possible. Monkey Boy does a great job of watching out for Little Monkey. Howler Monkey, on the other hand, just joins in on the great fun till Mom ruins it at all. I love his laugh when he thinks something is really funny.

Then along came "Monkey Wrench". I'm adamant about spring babies. Monkey Boy taught me a good lesson about summer pregnancies...not ever again. Yeah, I'm due at the end of October...Translation...PREGNANT FOR THE ENTIRE DANG SUMMER. I had this grand plan that IF Stephen got a job we'd try again in August thus resulting in an April spring baby. Well, you know how planning goes... I discovered this little Monkey Wrench earlier this year. Stephen was still in the interview process so I didn't tell him for about a month. After all the interviews ended and we were left to just wait for a call I told him just how much I hoped he'd get hired. Poor guy had no idea (which tells me how preoccupied his mind was) then chastised me for not telling him sooner. He was kinda ok with it when I explained that I wanted him to have as clear a mind as possible so he could do his best. I'm happy that the job did come through and he's enjoying all the training so far. Have I mentioned exactly how relieved we are that he has a job? Remember, our Little Monkey was a self pay baby...LAST year. We had made all kinds of plans for this summer and the next couple of semesters. We felt confident that our plans would have us solidly back on our feet next year. Monkey Wrench received that name because all of those plans are no longer feasible. {Sigh} I guess that's why I'm not The Master Planner. Not only were our plans shot out of the water, but so were Nanny and Papa's. We're still working on a new plan that accommodates a baby....it makes my brain hurt sometimes, so I'll let Stephen come up with the new one. ;-) I'm busy after all...
Oh, and by the way...

Not really sure what to do with one of these, or where we'll put her. We're both really curious to see which "style" of kid she ends up being a girl version of.
Stephen was still at the academy, so Gabriel and I put an "It's a Girl" balloon and pink ribbons on his manly truck for him to find when he got out. He has such a funny wife....or something like that. :-)

Gabriel: (threw his fist up in the air) "Yes! Our first sister!"
Garrett: Jumped around the room shouting, "A girl, A girl!"
Lincoln: (just glad Mommy was home) ran up and gave me a great big hug.
Stephen: "Hey, no girls allowed. Thanks for all the pink stuff on the truck." He says the one he's married to is all he can handle. He's fantastic with the one he's married to so I think he'll be just great with one to raise too.
Me: There are plenty of things that really are all on me, but not this time. :-D We've never even cracked the girl section of the name book before. What a change. Like always we do have a middle name ready to go, so "Baby Girl" will have to do. It was good enough for the boys. ;-)
Here's to some CRAZY times comin' up.
Don't worry, I have only bought one girl's outfit so far!
WooHoo! A girl! I totally get the pregnant during summer thing. It's not like Tucson isn't already hot enough.
Congrats!!! I'm very excited and happy for you guys, even though it's not in your timeline. I'm sure she'll be such a blessing in your life, you won't know what to do without her. :D
Congratulations! Hope all continues to go well with the pregnancy.
Hey, the girls and I are VERY excited for you!!!! I've known all along that this would be a girl...I've just been waiting for you to announce it so I could go through all of my clothes and share some with you (can't store them all forever!)
And don't worry...my plans worked up to the first two kids...since then everything's been shot to heck and I'm so far off track that I don't even know how to start making a new plan. It just goes to show that the Lord is really incharge...and thankfully, is waiting to help us along!
Welcome to the family "baby girl!"
i have been waiting to hear the news all week. a girl! yay! i am so excited for you guys. i am glad everything is going well.
I told you so .... :) SOOOOO excited for you guys. And gal. :)
wow! I had no idea!! Congratulations!! I bet she'll be a cutie and well taken care of by three big brothers!
Your mom told me last week you were expecting "Little Monkey Wrench"...and I'm so happy to hear that it's a girl!!! WOW! How fun for you and your family. All things will work out you'll see and one day wonder how you would have survived without the little "Monkey Wrench".
I am so excited for you! I love my little girl dearly!
With all those little monkeys I'm beginning to believe in evolution! And how exciting--pink!
Hooray!!! We're thrilled for you guys! Hope you stop feeling so sick!
Yay! Girls are fun but SO much drama! LOL! Enjoy!
Congrats! You know she'll always been taken good care of by her older brothers--for life!
Congratulations! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with Isabelle because I spent all of my 'infant' time with Crystal's boys. I knew all about boys. However she is the best thing we could have ever asked for. You are going to love having a girl! Even Steven is going to be play tea party, and doing hair in no time flat!
Wow! how exciting! congratulations!
Sorry about the extra hot summer though--water aerobics anyone?
I am so excited to meet a girl monkey!
Yeah!!! Oh, and it looks like she's due on my B-Day!!! I am so excited for you guys!
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