Monday, August 10, 2009


Well, he's not completely potty trained, but his pre-school teacher let him come anyway. We've found a fantastic teacher and I was blessed she's so willing to let him come. Academically this kid is SO ready for learning in a structured setting; and I would never be able to be consistent enough for him to succeed. I hope peer pressure will work to get him over the hump. So far he's been dry when I've picked him up. He loves it and asks to go everyday even though class is only two days a week. He loves graduating from "Baby Garrett" to "Little Garrett the Big Boy."


Sharron said...

Just keep those pennies handy! NOT nickels . . . just pennies . . . love it ;-)

Sheffer's said...

He's adorable. I believe that Preschool (or in my case pre-k) was invented to give moms of busy boys a break so we love our children more. ;) Enjoy your quiet house 2 days a week!!!!!

Linda said...

He looks so cute and grown-up. This is what mothering is all about--seeing your children grow and learn,and become who they were meant to be.

Brianna said...

Such a cute little picture! Strange to think our kids are getting old enough for these things. Arianna sure wishes she were joining Gabriel in Kindergarten...she misses the cut off by quite a bit, but she's bright and eager to learn. But until I can stay home...we are stuck on just having them miss out and it breaks my heart. We have stuff for her go to school with her aunt Brigitta (AZ Virtual Academy)until she is old enough to enroll...I hope that will hold her until then! Glad you got pictures of their first days of school! :)

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

Ah man! I'm so jealous! You have 2 in school. I want that!! I've still got all 3 at home, with Emma going to 2 days a week with a mom preschool I've put together.