Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Surprise Visitor

Stephen's dad has been coming up for some eye appointments the last couple of weeks. He's a major home body, so anytime we can get him up here it's pretty exciting. He'd get here about mid-morning and Garrett thought he was in heaven! Here he's showing Grandpa the great swing set in the back yard. (Stephen found this swing set on Craigslist for FREE, it had wood that had broken in a storm. He fixed all the broken pieces and ta dah we have great entertainment for the boys.) Grandpa finished his appointments about the time Gabriel got home from school and then he got to have fun for a little while with Grandpa. I didn't tell them that he was coming because it was so much fun to watch them look out the window when he drove up and realize who was here.

These are some well loved kids!


Linda said...

Your swing set looks great. The kids will love and and spend lots of time out there. And you get a break!

Brianna said...

So, the play set looks GREAT! The girls want to come and check it out with their BOY cousins! It's good that they are getting to see their grandpa when he comes to town!

Mariah said...

These BOY cousins would love someone to play with out there.

Liz said...

Craigslist is so fun...I've gotten some awesome things on it. Those swing sets are so pricey so what a great find!