Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Gabriel is at Nanny's for his last hoo-rah before school starts tomorrow, Garrett is at pre-school because he's "a big boy now that stays dry"...that leaves me at home in the quiet with sleeping Lincoln. It's kinda weird what shall I do?? The laundry. No, the dishes. No, put everything away. No, clean that nasty bathroom the boys use. No, I must.... Oh, the list goes on, but then I realized I must pace myself. I'll get this quiet twice a week for 2 whole weeks before I'm back to work. I just might get this place pulled together after all. Although, the success of getting it pulled together all depends on how the evenings go when everyone is home. I sit back in amazement at how fast kids can create messes. They really do seem to have some kind of extra talent...oh, grandparenthood is gonna be so much fun. I know my parents are laughing at me; I'm just waiting for my turn. {;-D


momma street said...

I am in for the same blessed couple hours of peace twice a week -oh the joy and rapture I am already excited to feel! Hope you enjoy yourself and don't work too hard, they'll just mess it up again!!!

Molly said...

You know it is the parent who messes everything up, right? I think kids look at us and think to themselves, "Man - I almost had it the way I wanted and then she messed (cleaned) it up again - now I have to redecorate."

At least - I like to tell myself that when I walk in the computer room and the 100 big lego blocks and 110 piece kitchen play food is ALL over the room!

Your boys are too cute - and you have fun stories. You need to post more pictures of Lincoln!!