Here he is with his teacher. Isn't she a cute young thing? Her classroom is fantastic! He did really well on the first day. By the second day he was already in trouble. I'd hoped to get at least a week out of him before we had to start addressing behavior issues. Oh well, it's not to be. On the second day, about half way through, he stopped participating and refused to join in again for the rest of the day. I was worried that would happen in an all day setting. Half day would be ideal for him, but that's not the world we're in anymore, so he's going to have to adjust. We had a good talk about it and he did much better today; his teacher said that he only needed one reminder. I told him I was so happy that he made good choices and only needed one reminder to keep making good choices, and that I was proud of him. He looked up so excited and said, "Yeah I only had one time out today!" He was so pleased with himself for only having one timeout. My mouth said, "Wow, it sounds like you're making much better choices and controlling your body better. Good job, thank you so much!" My mind was thinking, "Are you kidding me?? It's only the third day of school and you've already had a negative report to a parent and a timeout. What the heck?!?!" What's a mom to do? I rubbed his fuzzy head, gave him a kiss and we headed home. He was so excited to see his brothers...it was sweet. Garrett excitedly said, "I want to go to kindergarten too!" Gabriel responded, "You have to have two more birthdays then you'll be old enough." He was right on. The math comprehension this kid has is crazy...it's definitely NOT from his Momma...he really understands addition and subtraction concepts (working in numbers under 5 or so). I'm glad that it seems to be a subject that he understands and will come easy to him; it'll be a nice time for he and his Dad to spend time together because by second grade it'll be over my head. {:-D
I didn't cry on his first day (why is this underlined? I can't get rid of it...Oh well, who cares) He's been enough of a handfull that many of these big life transitions have been easier. His first time to the nursery at church...not hard to leave him. His first time going off to pre-school all by himself...not hard to send him off (except his big brown nervous eyes did tug on my heart strings a little). His first day at kindergarten...not hard to have him go. I DO worry about the social skills kinks, but that's not something to cry about...just something to fix. I am a little weirded out that I have a kid old enough for school though.
We love ya Gabriel, good luck in this new adventure! You're a smart kid and have so much going on in that head of yours I know you'll do great!
Super cute pictures! Ahh, the joys of starting school. I know he will do really well. These little ones just need time to adjust to ALL DAY kindergarten. It is hard on all of them. But when I talked to him about school, he seemed excited. And his teacher sounds really neat!
It is humbling to see how fast your little ones get into school! It is nice to have the quiet time with the younger ones. What is really weird, is when the last one goes to school and what do you do with all this time. You find that it is different to not have the interruptions and all the "help"!
When did they grow up? And when did we grow up? :D Gabriel always reminds me of Logan. He would be going to all day kindergarten next week if his bday was earlier in the year. Instead, he's going to half day pre-k. I fully expect the same kinds of reports from his teachers in the first few days. These spirits are so strong, they won't do anything just because they're told! :D
Your kids are so cute! I wouldn't worry too much about the social skills and behavior. My son was a lot like that and he had an excellent kindergarten teacher who lovingly helped him learn how to behave in class.
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